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Paracetamol Caplets 500mg
What are Paracetamol tablets?
Paracetamol belongs to a type of medicine known as analgesics. These are used to treat aches and pain and reduce a high temperature.
It can be combined with other painkillers and anti-sickness medication making it very effective at providing pain relief. It is commonly found in various cold and flu remedies so caution must be used when taking it.
How to buy Paracetamol tablets online
Paracetamol tablets can be purchased over the counter in packs of 16. To purchase up to 3 packs of 32 you can use our online pharmacy service to buy Paracetamol tablets online in the UK with collection, free and next day delivery available. We are a regulated GPhC registered pharmacy based in the UK. As Paracetamol tablets in packs of 32 are a 'Pharmacy-only' (P) medicine a pharmacist needs to have a consultation to make sure treatment is appropriate before you can purchase them.
Upon completion of your order, our pharmacist will then review your online assessment. If your assessment is approved, our pharmacy team will then dispense your order, which will be dispatched the same day using your chosen delivery method.
What can Paracetamol be used for?
Paracetamol can be taken for a variety of aches and pains including but not limited to:
- Headaches
- Menstrual periods
- Toothaches
- Backaches
- Osteoarthritis
- Injuries
They are also very commonly used to treat colds and flu as they have a double effect of helping reduce pain and temperature caused by them.
How Paracetamol tablets work
The full mechanism of action of paracetamol is still not fully known, but it is thought to work by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis. Prostaglandins are produced in response to injury which is associated with the symptoms of redness, swelling, pain and fever. By reducing the levels of prostaglandin paracetamol can reduce the amount of pain we experience.
Paracetamol reduces fever by affecting an area of the brain that regulates our body temperature.
How to take Paracetamol tablets
Paracetamol 500mg tablets are only indicated for those who are 10+.
Age 10–11 years: 480–500mg every 4–6 hours to a maximum of 4 times a day. Age 12–15 years: 480–750mg every 4–6 hours to a maximum of 4 times a day. Age 16+: ONE or TWO tablets every 4–6 hours to a maximum of 4 times a day.
They may be taken with or without food, although taking them with food may help reduce the risk of stomach upset.
Do not take more than the maximum dose allowed, if you take any extra tablets ring your doctor immediately even if you feel well.
Paracetamol side effects
Side effects are very rare with Paracetamol. If you notice anything unusual contact a pharmacist or doctor.
Who cannot take Paracetamol
It is generally well tolerated and suitable for most adults and children. However it may not be suitable if you:
- Have previously had an allergic reaction to Paracetamol
- Have liver problems
- Have kidney problems
- You regularly drink more than the maximum amount of alcohol recommended (14 units a week)
- You are under 50kg (8 stone) – you may need to take a lower dose
Paracetamol and pregnancy
Paracetamol is safe to take in pregnancy at recommended doses.
Paracetamol and breastfeeding
Paracetamol is safe to take while breastfeeding at recommended doses.
Paracetamol and other pain killers
Paracetamol is commonly taken with other pain relief medication to provide more pain relief.
It is available as a Pharmacy (P) medicine in a combination with codeine which is a powerful opiod analgesic: Co-codamol tablets Co-codamol effervescent tablets Solpadeine Plus capsules Solpadeine Plus Soluble tablets Solpadeine Max tablets Solpadeine Max Soluble tablets
It is available as a Pharmacy (P) medicine in a combination with dihydrocodeine which is a powerful opiod analgesic: Paramol tablets
It is also available in various cold & flu remedies, if you are taking any cold & remedies always check if they have paracetamol in them before taking any other form of paracetamol.
More Paracetamol information
If you would like more information, you can find the SPC: Paracetamol SPC
Paracetamol FAQs
Can I take Paracetamol while pregnant?
Yes, it is completely safe to take while pregnant at recommended doses.
Can I take Paracetamol while breastfeeding?
Yes, it is completely safe to take while breastfeeding at recommended doses.
Can I buy Paracetamol tablets over the counter?
Yes, they can be bought over the counter in a pack of 16. If you require packs of 32 you must first have a short consultation with a pharmacist.
How many Paracetamol tablets can I take in one day?
The maximun dose will vary depending on age. If you are under 16 read the leaflet to find out your maximum dose. If you are over the age of 16 do not exceed TWO tablets in a single dose, or EIGHT tablets in a 24 hour period. If you accidentally take too many paracetamol tablets contact your doctor immediately, even if you feel well.
Is it safe to buy Paracetamol tablets from your pharmacy?
We are a General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) registered pharmacy and we source all our pharmaceutical products from reputable wholesalers, the same wholesalers that provide the medicines used to fill NHS prescriptions.
If you buy them from an unregistered pharmacy you may be wasting your money at best or at worse harm yourself buying and taking fake tablets. Always check to make sure where you are buying them from are registered with the GPhC.Do Paracetamol tablets expire?
Yes, like most medicines it has a shelf life and will become less effective if it is left unused. Always check the expiry date of any medicines you are taking before you take them, the expiry date refers the end of the mon. If you find your medication has expired, you can post them to us, bring them to us or take them to your nearest pharmacy for safe disposal.
How should I store Paracetamol tablets?
They should be stored in a dry area below 30°C and kept out of direct sunlight. Storing the tablets incorrectly could result in the tablets becoming less effective.
How quickly does Paracetamol work?
You will usually see an effect after around 30-60 minutes.
Can I take Paracetamol tablets with alcohol?
Drinking a small amount of alcohol is fine while taking paracetamol. If you suffer from liver problems read the leaflet or the SPC to see if it is fine for you to take paracetamol and drink alcohol.