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Struggling with weight loss? Let us give you a helping hand

Our prescribers can help you on your weight loss journey.
With proven clinical treatments you're sure to hit your weight loss goals.

Get started
Reduction in total body weight after 72 weeks
Support and coaching

How it works

Book a call
Answer a few questions and chat with our prescriber about your health goals
Recieve your medication
Your medication will be posted to you via next day delivery.
Lose weight
Lose weight and keep it off with ongoing support should you need it.

Frequently asked questions

  • What does it involve?

    Our prescriber will have a consultation you via a video call and determine which treatment option is right for you. You will be given a personalised treatment plan to help you with your weight loss. This will usually include GLP-1 agonist such as Wegovy or Mounjaro, which are both given via a subcutaneous injection. Our prescriber will explain how to use the pen and answer any other questions you may have.
  • Are these treatments safe?

    Both Mounjaro and Wegovy are considered a safe medication for people living with type 2 diabetes and obesity and are both licensed by the MHRA for weight loss.
  • Is there a tablet preparation available?

    There is a tablet GLP-1 agonist available, but it is not currently licensed for weight loss however we can offer this as an alternative in certain circumstances. If you would like to discuss this as a treatment option please mention it the prescriber.
  • What is Mounjaro (tirzepatide)?

    Wegovy is an injectable prescription only medication that contains the active ingredient tirzepatide. Tirazeptatide stimulates both the GLP-1 and the GIP receptor.
  • How does Mounjaro work?

    When you eat your body produces a hormone called glucagon-like-peptide (GLP-1) which is responsible for regulating hunger. Mounjaro works by stimulating both the GLP-1 and the GIP receptor, which leads to feeling full sooner after eating and helps you to remain full longer. It also causes your digestive system to slow down and increase insulin sensitivty, which further help you to feel fuller and increase weight loss.
  • What are the benefits of using Mounjaro?

    In a study more than 2,500 adults with obesity, results showed that those using Mounjaro 5mg lost 15% over 72 weeks, with those using higher doses losing even weight (up to 20%), compared to a loss of 2.4% in those receiving the placebo.
  • How do you use Mounjaro?

    Mounjaro comes as a pre-filled pen in different strengths: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg, 12.5 mg and 15 mg. It is injected subcutaneously in the abdomen, in the thigh or in the upper arm and is a once a week injection.
    You will usually start with 2.5mg mg and titrate up every month, your dose will be discussed with the prescriber.
  • What is the cost of Mounjaro?

    Mounjaro starts at £39.50 a week, this includes your consultation and a diet and exercise plan if needed.
  • How will I know Mounjaro is working?

    You will know if it is working for you if you lose 5% of your body weight by your 6-month follow-up appointment.
  • What are the side effects of Mounjaro?

    As with most medication Mounjaro can cause some side effects, though not everyone will experience them. The most common side effects of Mounjaro in adults are nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, vommiting, reactions at injection site, headaches, tiredness, dizziness, stomach pain and low blood sugar. If your side effects do not improve or get worse, contact your GP.
    You can find a full list of side effects in the patient information leaflet or in the SPC for Mounjaro.
  • Who can use Mounjaro?

    Mounjaro is suitable for people with a BMI of 27 and above who also have weight-related medical problems, or those who have a BMI of 30 and above.
  • What is the difference between Wegovy and Mounjaro?

    Wegovy acts like the hormone GLP-1 whereas Mounjaro mimics two hormones, GLP-1 and GIP, this dual action helps manage your blood sugar levels and results in even greater weight loss.
  • What is Wegovy (semaglutide)?

    Wegovy is an injectable prescription only medication that contains the active ingredient semaglutide. It is the same exact ingredient that is in Wegovy which is licensed for use in treating Type 2 diabetes but due to clinical evidence that it can help support patients with weight loss, they prodcued Wegovy which is licensed for weight loss.
  • How does Wegovy work?

    When you eat your body produces a hormone called glucagon-like-peptide (GLP-1) which is responsible for regulating hunger. Wegovy works by replicating this hormone and binds to receptors in the part of the brain that controls hunger, this makes people who use Wegovy feel fuller and less hungry, meaning they consume less calories and lose weight.
  • What are the benefits of using Wegovy?

    In a study with 1,961 overweight or obese adults over 68 weeks, results showed that those using Wegovy lost 14.9% of their body weight compared to a loss of 2.4% in those receiving the placebo.
  • How do you use Wegovy?

    Wegovy comes as a pre-filled pen in five different strengths: 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg and 1mg, 1.7mg and 2.4mg. It is injected subcutaneously in the abdomen, in the thigh or in the upper arm and is a once a week injection.
    You will usually start with 0.25 mg and titrate up, your dose will be discussed with the prescriber.
  • What is the cost of Wegovy?

    Wegovy costs £39.50 a week, this includes your consultation and a diet and exercise plan if needed.
  • How will I know Wegovy is working?

    You will know if it is working for you if you lose 5% of your body weight by your 6-month follow-up appointment.
  • What are the side effects of Wegovy?

    As with most medication Wegovy can cause some side effects, though not everyone will experience them. The most common side effects of Wegovy in adults are nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, vommiting, reactions at injection site, headaches, tiredness, dizziness, stomach pain and low blood sugar. If your side effects do not improve or get worse, contact your GP.
    You can find a full list of side effects in the patient information leaflet or in the SPC linked here.
  • Who can use Wegovy?

    Wegovy is suitable for people with a BMI of 27 and above who also have weight-related medical problems, or those who have a BMI of 30 and above.
  • How does Saxenda work?

    When you eat your body produces a hormone called glucagon-like-peptide (GLP-1) which is responsible for regulating hunger. Saxenda works by replicating this hormone and binds to receptors in the part of the brain that controls hunger, this makes people who use Saxenda feel fuller and less hungry, meaning they consume less calories and lose weight.
  • What are the benefits of using Saxenda?

    Saxenda was clinically tested and proven in a study of 3,731 patients over 56-weeks. In this trial 85% of people taking Saxenda lost some weight.
    3 out 5 people lost at least 5% of their total body weight meaning they achieved a weight loss of at least 5.5kg (12 lb).
    1 out 5 people lost at least 10% of their total body weight meaning they achieved a weight loss of at least 10.4kg (23 lb).
    6% of people lost at least 20% of their total body weight meaning they achieved a weight loss of at least 21kg (42 lb).
  • How do you use Saxenda?

    Saxenda comes as a pre-filled pen. It is injected daily subcutaneously in the abdomen, in the thigh or in the upper arm.
    You will usually start with 0.6 mg and titrate up to a maximum of 3 mg, your dose will be discussed with the prescriber.
  • What is the cost of Saxenda?

    Saxenda costs £60.00 a week, this includes your consultation and a diet and exercise plan if needed.
  • How will I know it is working?

    You will know if Saxenda id working for you if you lose 4% of your body weight by your 4-month follow-up appointment.
  • What are the side effects of Saxenda?

    As with most medication Saxenda can cause some side effects, though not everyone will experience them. The most common side effects of Saxenda in adults are nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, vommiting, reactions at injection site, headaches, tiredness, dizziness, stomach pain and low blood sugar. If your side effects do not improve or get worse, contact your GP.
    You can find a full list of side effects in the patient information leaflet or in the SPC linked here.
  • Who can use Saxenda?

    Saxenda is suitable for people with a BMI of 27 and above who also have weight-related medical problems, or those who have a BMI of 30 and above.
  • What is Saxenda (liraglutide)?

    Saxenda is an injectable prescription only medication that contains the active ingredient liraglutide. It is licensed for use in adults with excess weight (BMI ≥27) who also have weight-related medical problems or those who are classed as obese (BMI ≥30).
A mounjaro injection pen
A wegovy injection pen
A box of rybelsus tablets

What is the body mass index (BMI)?

The body mass index (BMI) is a medical screening tool that uses your height and weight to work out if your weight is healthy. It simply takes a person’s weight in kilograms and divides by the square of the person’s height in meters. It takes into account natural variations in body shape giving a healthy range for each height. It does not take into account muscle which weighs more than fat and may skew the data in those who are musclar, such as weight trainers, boxers or atheletes.
For most adults, an ideal BMI is in the 18.5 to 24.9 range.

How much weight will I lose?

Input your height and weight into our BMI calculator below to see your potential weight loss


Estimated weight loss

19lbs loss

Week 72
Results based off a study on Tirzepatide:

Your weight loss journey

Calculate your BMI above to see your journey


Answer a few questions and chat with our prescriber about your health goals

3 months

See early signs
See and feel the early signs of weight loss, your medication can take 8-9 weeks for you to feel the full effect.

6 months

Noticable reduction
Start noticing your weight loss, your energy and relationship with food will start changing.

12+ months

Lasting results
Keep on losing weight, with continued support from your prescriber you will maintain your weight loss.