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hirsutism (hair removal) consultation

Please fill in the questionnaire below. Any information provided will be kept confidential and will only be seen by a prescriber. These questions are designed to give our prescriber enough information to make a decision on whether the treatment is suitable, please fill them in truthfully.

hirsutism (hair removal)

Hirsuitism is the growth of thick, dark hair on the face, neck, chest, abdoman, lower back, buttocks or thighs on woman. Hirusitism is caused by the level of hormones called androgens is increased or if you become more sensitive to them. The most common cause is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), other causes include certain medicicines, steroids, hormonal condition or a tumour affecting your hormone levels, although sometimes there is no obvious cause. If you are overweight, losing weight can help control hormone levels. You can also shave, pluck or wax the hair. There is also a cream available on prescription which can help slow hair growth on your face.

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